A Failed April Fools Joke And A New Obsession

Silly me! I over estimated my ability to draw a 200 frame animation with almost no free time within a week. So the joke was (first video) that this would act as a teaser trailer for an upcoming KILL BILL Vol. 3 that does not exist and probably never will. HOWEVER! In drawing the same thing over and over and over again, I felt some new sort of dopamine rush! A new medium to obsess over! Below are two recent animations. If I get around to coloring them, they will be exclusive to Patrons.

Imagine the whistle song playing in the background.

Yes, this will be in color. Yes, you will have to be a Patron to see it.

Yes. That is the Samurider, Shaina West.


Dragonfly Ronin Concepts


Soshite Watashi no Akuma no Hikari